Birmingham, Alabama
July 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
Huntsville, Alabama
August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
Huntsville, Alabama
July 2021
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
Huntsville, Alabama
August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
Huntsville, Alabama
August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
Huntsville, Alabama
August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
Huntsville, Alabama
August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
He reminds photographers to, “Always say yes to a chance to pick your camera up.”
We interviewed DuBose to share his advice and experiences with the Bokeh Focus community.
Read his full interview here on Bokeh Focus under STORIES.
Huntsville, Alabama
August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
© David DuBose
David DuBose: September Photographer of the Month
Interview by Avery Fields/
Photos by David Dubose
David DuBose, 24, from Huntsville, Alabama, photographs with the focus of bringing what he sees in his head to life. DuBose’s photograph received the most votes among the other nominees. He previously won Photographer of the Week on the second week of September.
We interviewed DuBose to share his advice and experiences with the Bokeh Focus community. He reminds photographers to, “Always say yes to a chance to pick your camera up.”
The photos in this story are DuBose’s original images (© David DuBose).
What is the story behind the photos you’ve submitted?

August 2022
Photo: David DuBose
DuBose: My friend, Tarik Smith, has his own clothing line, “Pals Club,” where he makes customized jackets. He said he wanted to get promotional pieces for his new jacket titled “God’s Seat,” so we picked a location. We wanted to really frame the jacket but also him as the creator and model. So him looking up at sunset just as the [light fell at an] angle on the jacket was one perfect shot. Then the scenery and temperature of the photos really captured the emotion and framed each moment so well.
Do you have a specific theme or topic that is the focus of your photography?
DuBose: The focus of my photography is to bring what I see in my head to life and to do the same for my friends and or clients. I want to make dreams visual to people other than just the dreamer.
What have you gained/experienced while working with this topic?
Dubose: I’ve gained so much perspective. In order to bring someone else’s vision/dream to life you have to first see it yourself. And then, of course, just like in life we all see the same thing differently. So the topic of my photography has allowed me to not only better understand people but find different ways to exist within the minds and visions of other people.
Tell us something about yourself that most people wouldn’t notice about you.
DuBose: Most people wouldn’t notice that I also write poetry. I played Division 1 football so it’s hard for people to look at me and notice creativity in general.
What’s a piece of advice you would offer to other photographers to encourage their creativity?
DuBose: To just create. And to create often. Always say yes to a chance to pick your camera up. My friends taught me that and they remind me all the time. I’m forever grateful for them.
We at Bokeh Focus applaud the works of DuBose. His dexterity in capturing immersive scenes using creative composition is outstanding, highlighting the depths of our journey through life. Thank you for sharing your work with the greater Bokeh Focus community as well as your words of advice, David.
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