Photo: Dedria McClure
© Dedria McClure
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Photo: Syed Hamza
© Syed Hamza
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A Woman Leader Changing the World
Text by Yesenia Chavarria/
Photos by Yesenia Chavarria & Dedria McClure

Being a mom is Dedria McClure’s number one role in the world. She captures the moments of motherhood through the lens of her camera
“I bought myself a camera to do YouTube. It didn’t work out. Gave up. Thought, well, I have this camera, so I might as well take pictures with it,” she said.
Taking pictures of her children and family helped her find her niche.

As a mom with a business and full-time employee, McClure struggles with time management, balancing her work life, and spending time with her children, but she has found innovative ways to succeed.

She uses her social media platforms to advocate for and empower women in the workforce. She posts about her struggles and how she sometimes must take her kids to her photography sessions. By sharing her story, she builds trust with other moms and her clients.
McClure advises moms to follow their dreams whether they want to be stay-at-home moms or pursue a career.
Student Biography: Atlanta-born Yesenia Chavarria earned her associate’s degree in business administration from Georgia State and is currently a senior marketing major at Kennesaw State University. Chavarria is dedicated to advancing equity and recognition for working mothers.
Women’s Leadership through Virtual Exchange: Youth Sharing Digital Stories (WLVE) is a project engaging 100 undergraduate and graduate students from Hassan II University Casablanca with 100 undergraduate students from Kennesaw State University in a unique cross-cultural virtual exchange experience focused on better understanding women’s leadership through research, analysis, and digital storytelling. This virtual classroom-based project will collect biographical stories of successful women leaders in both countries written by the students and publish them online on Bokeh Focus.
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