Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_02Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_02A protester showed her support for Jessica Colotl at a rally Saturday to protest her Dreamer status being revoked by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Photo: Ali Sardar Read the full story
Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_03Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_03Kuck Immigration Partners, the law firm handling Jessica Colotl's case, was at the rally. Until recently, she worked at the firm as a paralegal. Photo: Ali Sardar Read the full story
Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_05Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_05The crowd gathered in front of the Richard B. Russell Federal Building Saturday to protest against ICE immigration actions and stand with Jessica Colotl. Photo: Ali Sardar Read the full story
Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_09Colotl’s Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_09A representative of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials expressed her concern about Jessica Colotl's immigration status. Photo: Ali Sardar Read the full story
Colotl's Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_12Colotl's Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_12Protesters were holding “#STAND WITH JESSICA” signs to bring attention to her case. Her status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was revoked in May. Photo: Ali Sardar Read the full story
Colotl's Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_13Colotl's Immigration Fight: #StandWithJessica_13The crowd gathered at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Richard B. Russell Federal Building in downtown Atlanta to voice their concerns and protest the legal action taken against Jessica Colotl. Photo: Ali Sardar Read the full story