The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_01The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_01Courtney Lowry is a 22-year-old photographer in Atlanta and recent graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design. She based her senior project, “The Last Boys,” on the idea of similarities between black men with the goal of exploring masculinity and identity through close-up photos. Lowry’s project was exhibited at Mason Fine Art and is one of several projects she has completed
Photo: Courtney Lowry
Photographer Courtney Lowry Q&A_1 of 5Photographer Courtney Lowry Q&A_1 of 5The same year Lowry received her first digital camera, she decided to recreate Brandon Stanton's Humans of New York. She interviewed 20 students for a yearbook segment she named Humans of Catonsville High.
Photo: Courtney Lowry
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The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_02The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_02Lowry's project was inspired by Barry Jenkins’ riveting film, “Moonlight."
Photo: Courtney Lowry
The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_03The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_03Lowry created a series of what a man means to her: focusing on the physical parts of him, juxtaposed with his own vulnerabilities.
Photo: Courtney Lowry
The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_04The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_04Each photo contrasts the strength that men have to exert just to find a place in the world with their true emotional tenderness.
Photo: Courtney Lowry
The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_06The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_06The series expresses the “hardness” of a man (hands, jawline, beard) and places it alongside the softness of clothing forms or objects.
Photo: Courtney Lowry
The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_05The Last Boys: Courtney Lowry_05 Lowry states, "Creating this project has opened my mind as a woman photographer and made me reflect on how I’ve been viewing men throughout my life."
Photo: Courtney Lowry